I Want To Update My Existing Group
So you have led a group in a previous semester at some point? And you want to keep that group going? You've come to the right place. Semester Dates are September 1 - end of November. This is a general guide to help you; Sunday, August 25 is the final "go sign up" push. You can access the Groups Database right now here (you may need to copy and paste this into your browser): https://newhopechristiancenter.churchcenter.com/groups and see how your group is currently listed. You're welcome to skip questions if it's good as-it-is, but whatever you want changed - please tell us below. You can learn about using the Groups Database here: shorturl.at/nLTZ3 IF YOU WANT TO USE OUR BUILDING, WE NEED TO RESERVE THE SPACE FOR YOU - please be sure to fill out the location information below and it will begin the building-reserving process for you! If you would like to see which groups you're a part of, or if you're really tech savvy and want to enter the changes yourself - you can do that at http://Groups.PlanningCenterOnline.com
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